Plant Care Tips For Healthy Indoor Succulents

Succulents can be tough. Succulents can be fun and very collectible. Succulents can thrive indoors. Succulents purify your air.

Because they are so resistant, succulents make great houseplants. You can easily care for an entire indoor garden if you follow a few simple steps. Once you have mastered the basics you can start to grow succulents from cuttings from your adult plants.

Learn the basics of succulent care, and why succulents make great houseplants.

What Kinds of Succulents Can Thrive Indoors and Why?

Any succulent can survive indoors if it is given the right conditions. It is important to choose succulents according to where they will be placed and the amount of sunlight available.

Succulents that are colorful require a lot of sunlight. They can also be difficult to grow indoors. Green succulents are more suited for indoor gardening.

Placement Tips

Indirect sunlight can take up to 6 hours per day for a succulent growing in the wild. It is important to place your succulent near a window. It’s best to place your succulent as close as possible to a window.

Sansevieria, the snake plant, can be grown in indirect sunlight. A hedgehog aloe, however, will thrive in direct sunlight. Place your plant selections around the place you want them to be in your home or office.

How to Water Succulents Without Getting Loved by Them

Succulents are among the most difficult plants. Because they were raised in dry, arid environments, succulents are accustomed to drought conditions. You can send your plant to its early grave by overwatering it (water).

Succulents love to soak their roots and have the soil dried out quickly. There is no need to mist or use ice cubes. The roots require a steady but not frequent drenching.

The soil must dry quickly. Here are some important considerations.

Good drainage is essential for your pot.

– Potting mix should have large particles and ventilation to dry quickly.

How often should water be taken? You should water your succulents no more than once per week. You might try to water your succulents every other day. There are some things to remember:

You may only need water once a week in a humid environment.

– Suculents with thicker leaves require less water than those with smaller leaves.

Each succulent is unique so it’s worth taking the time to read a guide for each plant. Succulents should be watered according to the following guidelines: Underwatering is better than overwatering.

Pro Tip: Rotate your succulent each time you water it to ensure that the entire plant receives enough sunlight.

You might be wondering what to do with succulents in terrariums. Terrariums don’t work well for succulents because they lack drainage and have limited airflow. However, you can still keep your juvenile succulents alive in terrariums if you use a well-ventilated mix of potting material and water less often. To keep these succulents alive, they will need to be repotted.

Successful Repotting Steps

Succulents can be difficult to repot, but it is possible. If you have to work with needle-bearing plants, be careful and use gloves. Your pot should be able to drain quickly so that the soil can dry quickly.

1. Your new pot will be 3/4 full with succulent/cactus potting mixture

2. Take your succulent out of the pot. Then, gently pull the soil from between the roots.

3. Place the succulent in a small hole in your new pot. Then, brush some of the soil between the roots and cover them completely until the plant becomes stable.

If the succulent has not been watered in a while, you should water it immediately. If it hasn’t been watered recently, wait until you have watered it again.

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